No Topic / Story Ready to use in SSSSB classes
2501 Lord Jesus 04-163 (04-117) The Bible says: Jesus was a messenger The Bible also says: Jesus was the son of God And the Bible also says: Jesus and God are one. Topic question: What about you, what are you of God?
Lord Jesus 04-164 (07-47) Lord Jesus has done many miracles. If you could do miracles, what would you do?
From 3rd to the 4th Ssssb year 04-165 (04-118) 1) What did we learn in 2022; Is there a change-transformation in our character-manners? 2) What are our good intentions for 2023?
Today is Newyear's day 04-166 (07-48) What are we going to do differently from previous years?
Sadness and Despair 04-167 (04-119) How do we deal with sadness and despair?
The Power of Prayer 04-168 (07-49) What is your experience with prayer ?
Sports, sports days and competitions 04-169 (04-120) Let's share our experience of sports, sports days and competitions.
Swami / Bhagvan Baba 04-171 (04-121) Let's share an experience with Swami.
Let’s improve our character 04-173 (04-122) 1) What behavior are we going to improve from now on? 2) Tell about a good manner from someone in today's ssssb class
Family and Friends vs. Dharma (Righteousness) 04-174 (07-52) Do we also participate if our family and friends do not follow dharma (Righteousness)?
Yuyutsu Son of King Dhristarashtra and a half-brother to the rest of the Kuru brothers. 04-175 1) What is your view about Yuyutsu's decision to fight against his own family by choosing Dharma (Right Behavior).? 2) Have you also experienced something where you did not choose your own family or friends?
Are we already putting the learned Ssssb values ​​into practice? 04-177 Shall we share a situation where we put into practice the values ​​we learned from Swami's Ssssb classes?
Why poeple try to convert others to their own religion/organization? Part 01 04-178 In every religion there are people who try to convince others to their own religion/organisation. 1) What do you think of this? 2) Have you experienced this or done it yourself?
Exams 04-181 (Saturday) Let's share our experience before exams, during exams and after exams
Seva (Support those in need) 04-182 (Sunday) What do we need more than what we already have to do Seva?
AI (Artificial Intelligence) Our Computer friend 04-183 (Saturday) What are the disadvantages and advantages if we use AI, our computer friend, for study and or other things?
Seva (Support those in need) Part 2 04-184 (Sunday) Which Seva we do already and with we can do more?
English: Animals and Humans Part1 04-185 (Saturday) English: What is the difference between animals and humans?
English: Inspire others? 04-186 (Sunday) English: How to inspire others to do Seva?
English, Topic: Economically poor and rich people, Part1. 04-187 (Sunday) English, Topic question & Heart-work 1: Imagine that we were economically very poor or very rich. What would our lifestyle be like then?
English, Topic: Economically poor and rich people, part 2. . 04-188 (Sunday) English, Topic question & Heart-work 1: Why is someone economically very poor or very rich?
Karma Part2, due to the influence of our past, we are in the present situation. 04-193 (Sunday), april 23
What are our New Year's resolutions? 04-194 (Saturday), April 29
Why weren't we all born in the same situation? 04-195 (Sunday), April 30
How is it if to have have Sisters and brothers? 04-200sa, May 20
Swami Part1  04-201su, May 21 2023 
Story : Our house is too small, help us Guru-Practice.  04-202sa, May 27 2023 
Swami Part2  04-203su, May 28, 2023 
Environment Day, Part 01 , Do we also contribute to protecting the earth? 04-204sa, June 03, 2023 
Seva Part1, Does the reason for doing Seva matter ? 04-205su June 04, 2023. 
Environment Day, Part 02  04-206sa, June 10, 2023 
Topic: Swami / Good manners  04-207sa-C-003, Saturday june 10, 2023 
No sunday class  Su june 11, No class 
Story 2052: Aziza and her servent Makanisi (monkey mind, part1)  04-208sa June 17, 2023. 
Seva part2  04-209su June 18, 2023. 
Ssssb Story 2053: Ravi's visits Guru Practice for his restless mind.  04-210sa June 24, 2023. 
Open Topic  04-211su June 25, 2023. 
Master our monkey minds to become more successful  04-212sa July 08, 2023 
Congo children and youth class  04-213C004 July 08, 2023 
The Power of Mantra, Part 01  04-214sa July 15, 2023 
Our Ashrams in Nepal, information and rules  04-215su July 16, 2023. 
Story 2054: Health, Wealth or ???  04-216sa July 22, 2023 
Our Ashrams in Nepal, information and rules Part 2  04-217su July 23, 2023. 
Mantra part 2  04-218sa July 29, 2023 
Our Ashrams in Nepal, information and rules Part 3. About our expierence with Swami  04-219su July 30, 2023. 
What is your main resolution for the coming months? 04-220sa August 05, 2023. 
What are the main changes in your character/manners since knowing Swami 04-222su August 13, 2023
How do we deal with sadness and setbacks? part 1 04-224su August 20, 2023.
1) If you had special powers that you could do anything with, what would you do? 2) What was your best day/moment of this life so far? 04-225A+Bsa August 26, 2023.
How can you improve your situation if you are not satisfied with it? 04-226su August 27, 2023.
Tell about a good manner of yours and also one that you will improve from now on. 04-227sa Sept 02, 2023.
Statement: "Children and young people have too little experience to set an example" 04-228C005 Sept 02, 2023
program: 04-189sa Animals and Humans Part 2 04-229su Sept 03, 2023
Topic: As you sow so shall you reap 04-236su Sunday Sept 24, 2023
Speech to people from your hometown, group or an organization 04-237sa Sept 30, 2023.
First Gurus class: How can we become an exemplary Ssssb guru? 04-238suG01 Oct 01, 2023.
You found a bag of gold coins. 04-239sa Oct 07, 2023.
Statement / question: How can we tame our restless mind? 04-241su Oct 08, 2023
Gratitude in daily life. When are we grateful? 04-243su Oct 15, 2023
If you had a 5-week vacation, how would you choose to spend that time? 04-244su Oct 22, 2023
True Friends. What influence do we have on friends, and what influence do they have on us? 04-245su Oct 29, 2023

Topic 2501 True Friends.

English: True Friends. What influence do we have on friends, and what influence do they have on us?

Nepali: Sacho Mitraharu. Hami mitraharuma kasto prabhav daalchhaun, ra uniharū āphailā'ī hāmro upara kasto prabhav daalchan?

French: De vrais amis. Quelle influence avons-nous sur nos amis, et quelle influence ont-ils sur nous ?

Gurus class

No Topic Writer(s) of this story / Topic and date Ready to use in SSSSB classes Drawings made by We did or planned this: Month / Program nr.
9001 First Gurus class: How can we become an exemplary Ssssb guru? Sunil Marapin (Ssssb-Guru) 2023-10 yes Ai, our computer friend 04-238suG01 Oct 01, 2023.