Welcome on de website of SSSSoHC
Welkom op de website van SSSSoHC
- General info about Holland Shri Sanjay Sai Chapter [SsssoHc]
Information on all SSSSB Activities Connected with [SsssoHc] - Views and Experiences from Parents and SSSSB Gurus
- General info about Holland Shri Sanjay Sai Chapter [SsssoHc]
What does SSSSOHC do ?
- Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom (SSSSB) Classes
- SSSVM school
- Tuition classes
- Collaborate with other SSSSO Chapters and groups worldwide
What is Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom (Ssssb). ?
"Ssssb is a program to blossom the values already present in each of us in the following manner :
- By thinking about good-positive things,
- By talking about good-positive things
- And ultimately putting these good-positive things into practice
In this way, the Ssssb program helps students and all other participants to lead an exemplary, peaceful, healthy and happy life."
Request to all our participants of the Ssssb classes:
- Please keep the camera on and actively participate with full attention. Let’s share only our own feelings, experiences, and opinions.
- Perform Seva daily, pray daily to God who is also in our hearts, followed by Jyoti Meditation.
- Be honest with everyone. Honestly evaluate your words, thoughts, and actions daily, and improve wherever possible.
Wat is Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom (Ssssb) ?
"Ssssb is a programma om de menselijk waarden die in elk van ons reeds aanwezig is op de volgende wijze tot bloei te brengen :
- Door aan goede / positieve dingen te denken
- Door te praten over goede / positieve dingen
- En uiteindelijk de goede / positieve dingen in praktijk te brengen.
Op deze manier helpt het Ssssb program studenten en alle anderen betrokkenen aan een voorbeeldige, vredig, gezond en gelukkig leven."
Verzoek aan al onze deelnemers van de Ssssb-klassen:
- Houd alstublieft de camera aan en neem actief deel met volle aandacht. Laten we alleen onze eigen gevoelens, ervaringen en meningen delen.
- Doe dagelijks Seva, bid dagelijks tot God die ook in onze harten is, gevolgd door Jyoti Meditatie.
- Wees eerlijk tegen iedereen. Evalueer uw woorden, gedachten en handelingen dagelijks eerlijk, en verbeter uzelf waar mogelijk.
Experience from students, teachers and others with SSSSB / Ervaringen van studenten, leerkrachten en anderen met SSSSB
2024 January, Bandana gr9, Student SSSVM, Balkot Nepal
My Heart-work of January 6, 2024:
What kind of lesson would you create if you were the SSSSB guru of this class?
"Om Shree Sairam! This SSSSB class is running very nicely. In my point of view, this class is very good and interesting. There are bhajan and games, and there is at least one topic to discuss. The classes that happened till now are very great and it is the best class for all people all people should join to learn moral values and other things for their development of character, behavior, etc.
I think this class doesn't need improvement because the class is managed properly from time to time and it has great rules and regulations, plans, etc. But if I were the guru of this SSSSB class I would ask and tell students as well as Gurus and Teachers to share their views and experiences related to topics. I will try to increase students’ confidence to talk something about the topic. I will encourage them to share and show their skill and talent like dancing, singing, drawing, etc. I will continue this class like Guru Daju and the Team. This class was nice, is nice, and will be nice forever. This class is very important for all people."

Januari 2024, Bandana gr9, Student SSSVM, Balkot Nepal
Mijn hart-werk van 6 januari 2024:
Welke les zou je creëren als je de SSSSB-guru van deze klas zou zijn?
"Om Shree Sairam! Deze SSSSB-klas verloopt erg goed. Naar mijn mening is deze klas erg goed en interessant. Er zijn bhajans en spelletjes, en er is ten minste één onderwerp om te bespreken. De lessen die tot nu toe zijn gegeven zijn zeer goed en het is de beste klas voor alle mensen. Iedereen zou moeten deelnemen om morele waarden en andere dingen te leren voor hun ontwikkeling van karakter, gedrag, enz.
Ik denk dat deze klas geen verbetering nodig heeft, omdat de klas van tijd tot tijd goed wordt uitgevoerd en het heeft geweldige regels en voorschriften, plannen, enz. Maar als ik de guru van deze SSSSB-klas zou zijn, zou ik studenten, Gurus en leraren vragen om hun meningen en ervaringen met betrekking tot de onderwerpen te delen. Ik zal proberen het vertrouwen van studenten te vergroten om iets over het onderwerp te vertellen. Ik zal hen aanmoedigen om hun vaardigheden en talenten zoals dansen, zingen, tekenen, enz. te delen en te tonen. Ik zal deze klas voortzetten zoals Guru Daju en het Team. Deze klas was goed, is goed, en zal altijd goed zijn. Deze klas is erg belangrijk voor alle mensen."
Photos From Sairam Foundation period
Sssvm school and Holland Chapter videos
1C: Information on SSSSB classes working with the Holland Shri Sanjay Sai Chapter.
the two Family classes
About the Two SSSSB Family Classes
Saturday Family Class:
The family classes originated from the merging of all online Zoom classes from Chapter Holland, which began in 2020. Initially, we started with SSSSB gurus and participants from Nepal and the Netherlands, and now gurus and participants from India and DR Congo have also joined. The family classes take place on Saturday from 9:00-10:15 and Sunday from 18:45-20:00, both in Nepalese time. Everyone worldwide is welcome.
Due to the growth in the number of students in the physical Balkot classes, led by Meena Ma'am and Gita Ma'am, since September 2024, the Balkot classes have been held separately to ensure quality.
The program includes bhajans, light meditation, games, and topics from daily life, with a focus on building self-confidence, creativity, and putting Swami's values into practice to transform ourself. Each week, SSSSB-Guru Daju (Sunil Marapin) creates a new, unique SSSSB program, which serves as the foundation for the online family class on Saturday, the two physical Balkot classes, and the two physical classes in DR Congo.
Sunday Family Class:
The Sunday online class also consists of bhajans and games, with a topic that offers a choice between at least two questions and two statements. Each week, a different participant has the opportunity to choose from these or present their own topic. Students are given priority to lead this part of the program. The focus remains on building self-confidence, creativity, and putting Swami's values into practice to transform ourself.
Om Sairam. Thank you, Swami.
the two Balkot classes
About the Two Balkot SSSSB Classes
The Saturday SSSSB Class for ages 5-9 and 10 and older takes place from 9:00 to 10:15 Nepal time. Initially, participants came to Meena Ma'am's or Rayan's house to join the Saturday online class. As the number of students grew to more than 50, we decided in September 2024 to no longer conduct the program online via Zoom for everyone.
Balkot SSSSB Class for 5-9 Year-Olds (SSSSB-Guru: Gita Ma'am):
The structure of the program is the same as the Saturday online class, with two key changes:
- Instead of online games, Gita Ma'am organizes games specifically tailored to the children who are physically present. A new game is added each week, keeping the class not only spiritual but also fun.
- For the topic, a simplified version is created so that the children aged 5-9 can easily understand and participate.
Balkot SSSSB Class for 10 Years and Older (SSSSB-Guru: Meena Ma'am):
Thanks to the love and care of Meena Ma'am, the Balkot student group has grown significantly. Proof of this is that during holiday periods, the children request to continue the classes, and they prefer attending in person rather than participating online.
Gita Ma'am has supported Meena Ma'am from the beginning. Later, the group was split due to the increasing number of children and their age differences. The structure of the program is the same as the Saturday online class, with one key difference: Instead of online games, Meena Ma'am organizes games specifically tailored to the children who are physically present, with a new game added each week.
Program Overview:
The foundation of this program, with students physically present, follows the same format as the Saturday family class and the Balkot classes, using the new program that SSSSB-Guru Daju (Sunil Marapin) creates weekly.
The program includes bhajans, light meditation, games, and topics from daily life, with a focus on building self-confidence, creativity, and putting Swami's values into practice to transform ourselves.
Om Sairam. Thank you, Swami.
the two Congo classes [with 5 classes: 2 Congo-1 ssssb classes and 3 Congo-2 IsaSai classes]
About the Two Congo SSSSB Classes
Saturday CONGO-1 SSSSB Class, 15:00 to 16:30 Congo time:
This class was started by our SSSSB-Guru, Merphia Ma'am, on July 13, 2024, at her home. She began with a few children, and now there are more than 40 children and youths participating. The students are divided into two groups. Merphia Ma'am is supported by SSSSB-Guru Ngonde Brother, and occasionally, SSSSB-Guru Blanchard Brother steps in when needed.
The foundation of this program, with students physically present, follows the same format as the Saturday family class and the Balkot classes, using the new program that SSSSB-Guru Daju (Sunil Marapin) creates weekly.
The program includes bhajans, light meditation, games, and topics from daily life, with a focus on building self-confidence, creativity, and putting Swami's values into practice to transform ourselves.
Sunday CONGO-2 IsaSai Class, 08:00 to 10:00 Congo time:
For many years, weekly church classes have been held in a church building, with students divided into three age groups. On April 2, 2023, we held the opening ceremony and began collaborating with the church to offer the SSSSB program. Parts of the SSSSB program, combined with the church program, are provided to the children and youths. The Gurus from the Congo-1 SSSSB Class run this program in collaboration with the church teachers.
Om Sairam. Thank you, Swami.
the katunje sankar class
Katunje Sanskar Class, led by Rama Ma'am and Naresh Sairam, in collaboration with other organizations
In 2019, SSSSB-Guru Rama Ma'am gathered some children and started a value-based class. In 2020, after visiting Swami for the first time, Guru Daju contacted Rama Ma'am to collaborate. With the great support of Naresh Sairam, we began youth classes, SSSSB classes in schools, and other activities. Once again, Naresh Sairam played a key role in starting a Sanskar class for all children and youth in the community, working alongside other organizations.
Katunje Sanskar Class:
On June 1, 2024, the weekly Sanskar class was officially launched for children from Katunje. Teachers from other spiritual organizations in Katunje are also involved. Since other organizations are part of the initiative and not all children are devotees of Swami, Rama Ma'am and Naresh Sairam design the program to be as inclusive and suitable as possible.
The weekly program created by Guru Daju is always available to Rama Ma'am and Naresh Sairam, allowing them to use parts of it where appropriate.
Om Sairam. Thank you, Swami.
The Gokul gagan ssssb class
History: Koti Koti Pranaams at thy Lotus Feet of our beloved Bhagawan Baba
My Soul Blossom classes journey started in the year 1997 as a parent to my daughter. Initially I had first been to Balvikas Class for 6 to 8 months as a parent and then later on as a guru where I was asked to do some stories or plays games with children in class.
My first Bal Vikas class was inaugurated on the occasion of Makarsankranti in January 1998 in Kandivali area at my home.
Later on during 2016, we started our First Shri Sanjay Sai Soul
Blossom Class of Mumbai chapter at our house -Gokul Gagan where all the non devotees parents with their children attended the class.
In our Soul Blossom Class, we play games, do shloka chanting , meditation , storytelling with children and carry on various seva activites through which we impart Swami’s teachings as Love all Serve All , Sharing And Caring ,Help Ever Hurt Never etc .
We motivate parents to participate with their children in different festivals/ activities like 15 August Independence Day,
Ganesh Chaturthi Festival, Diwali Joy Packets Seva, Mango Seva distribution, Buttermilk/ Chaas Distribution in summer etc.
1d Views and Experiences from Parents and SSSSB Gurus
Meena rijal, talks about herself and Swami's SSSSB program.
Aum Shree Sairam !!!
As being in a big family with Grandmother, Aunt (Father’s elder sister), parents and we 2 brothers and six sisters, we all were in a spiritual environment. Grandmother and Aunt most of the time visited different pilgrimage in India as well as Nepal. They always tell spiritual stories, Mantras and stories from holy books – Ramayan, Mahabharat, Swasthani Katha and many more. Always encouraged to visit the Temple and do pooja at home too in pooja room, Fasting ( Brata) to all of us. When I was 11, 12 years old at that time one of our relative went Puttaparti and broght photo, Locket, ring, Bhajan book of Swami Satya Sai Baba and said that this is the incarnation of God in India. So we became very happy and we believe and started to wear Locket, ring and Bhajan on Thursday at Home. At the time of Bhajan we offer Sweet polinda ( Haluwa) infront of Swami. After Bhajan we saw Aum (Om), Shree on prashad. We amazed and continued it.
After marriage couldn’t continue it all which I did before. Spend the life in teaching and continuing visit Temple and Fasting. I worked 11 years as a Teacher in Biratnager. Then in 2002 I joined Child Home and worked with the children 18 years. At that time I came to know about Our beloved Swami, Guru, God, Mentor Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. We went the Ashram at Shankhamul and BuddhaNagar a couple of time. Then as we get time we continue going Ashram to get Darshan and Blessings. After some months came to know that that Ashram has been shifted but where I didn’t know. One day I was returning from the office I saw near Koteshwor ( Narephat) a Banner was about Swami’s birthday. I became happy and started to visit Ashram. After that got Swami’s blessings, Interview and then selected as a Teacher of Swami’s School and his mission. In 2018 Swami himself taken interview and chosen as a Teacher.
Then at the time of Covid respected Guru Daju met as another mentor for SB class. Started SSSSB class by online and slowly physically at room. Now because of respected Guru Daju I learnt about SB class though I was unknown about this class. Now we are running Balkot- SB class every Saturday by the help of Guru Daju. I express my gratitude to beloved Swami giving all these opportunities in my life. I will try my best to continue till my last breath.
Aum Shree Sairam!!!
Meena Rijal ( Teacher – SSSVM, Balkot, Bhaktapur)
Nepal, 5th N0v 2024
Aum Shree Sairam !!!
Étant dans une grande famille avec ma grand-mère, ma tante (Tante paternelle aînée), mes parents, et nous deux frères et six sœurs, nous avons grandi dans une ambiance spirituelle. Grand-mère et tante allaient souvent en pèlerinage en Inde et au Népal. Elles nous racontaient des histoires spirituelles, des mantras et des récits sacrés – comme ceux du Ramayana, du Mahabharata, de Swasthani Katha, et bien d’autres. Elles nous encourageaient toujours à visiter le temple et à faire le pooja à la maison, à jeûner (brata) pour tous. Quand j’avais 11, 12 ans, un de nos proches est allé à Puttaparti et a rapporté une photo, un pendentif, une bague et un livre de bhajan de Swami Satya Sai Baba en disant que c’était une incarnation de Dieu en Inde. Nous étions très heureux et avons commencé à porter le pendentif et la bague, et à chanter les bhajans chez nous tous les jeudis. Lors du Bhajan, nous offrions des douceurs polinda (halwa) devant Swami. Après le Bhajan, nous avons vu des signes sacrés comme Aum (Om) et Shree sur le prashad. Émerveillés, nous avons continué cette pratique.
Après mon mariage, je n’ai pas pu continuer tout ce que je faisais auparavant. J’ai passé ma vie dans l’enseignement et j’ai continué à visiter le temple et à jeûner. J’ai travaillé 11 ans comme enseignante à Biratnagar. Puis, en 2002, j’ai rejoint un foyer pour enfants et travaillé avec eux pendant 18 ans. À ce moment-là, j’ai découvert notre bien-aimé Swami, Guru, Dieu et Mentor, Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Nous avons visité l’ashram à Shankhamul et Buddhanagar plusieurs fois. Quelques mois plus tard, nous avons appris que l’ashram avait déménagé, mais nous ne savions pas où. Un jour, en rentrant du travail, j’ai vu près de Koteshwor (Narephat) une bannière annonçant l’anniversaire de Swami. Je suis devenue heureuse et j’ai commencé à visiter l’ashram. Ensuite, j’ai reçu les bénédictions de Swami, un entretien, et j’ai été sélectionnée comme enseignante pour l’école de Swami et sa mission. En 2018, Swami lui-même m’a interviewée et choisie comme enseignante.
Pendant la période de Covid, notre respecté Guru Daju est devenu un autre mentor pour la classe SB. Nous avons commencé la classe SSSSB en ligne, puis progressivement en présentiel. Maintenant, grâce à Guru Daju, j’ai appris beaucoup de choses sur la classe SB, bien que je ne connaissais rien de cette classe auparavant. Aujourd’hui, nous organisons la classe SB à Balkot tous les samedis avec l’aide de Guru Daju. J’exprime ma gratitude à notre bien-aimé Swami pour m’avoir donné toutes ces opportunités dans ma vie. Je ferai de mon mieux pour continuer jusqu’à mon dernier souffle.
Aum Shree Sairam !!!
Meena Rijal (Enseignante – SSSVM, Balkot, Bhaktapur)
Népal, 5 novembre 2024
Nepali (Roman script)
Aum Shree Sairam !!!
Ma thulo pariwarma Grandmother, Aunt (Buwako didi), parents, hami dui bhai ra chha didi-bahiniharu sangai basthyo, jaha dharmik vatavaranma badheko thiye. Grandmother ra Aunt dherai jaso Nepal ra India bhari ko tirtha yatra garna janu hunthyo. Uhaaharu le sadhaib spiritual kathaharu, Mantra, ra dharmik granth haru – Ramayan, Mahabharat, Swasthani Katha ra thuprai katha haru sunauhnuhunthyo. Sadhaib mandir janu ra gharma pooja garnu, pooja kotha ma pooja garnu ra brata basna prerit garnu hunthyo. Ma 11, 12 barsa ko huda hami majh nai bhai ek jana afnai nata lagaeka vyakti Puttaparti gayera Swami Satya Sai Baba ko photo, locket, ring ra Bhajan kitab lyai dinubhayo ra bhannubhayo, "Yo ta Bhagwan ko avatar ho India ma." Hami dherai khushi bhaio ra locket, ring lagayera, gharmā harek Bihibār bhajan garda suru gariyo. Bhajan ko samaya ma Swami ko agadi mithai polinda (haluwa) chadhauthyo. Bhajan pachi prasad ma Aum (Om), Shree dekhta ajhai ajhai astarya lagyo ra yaslai nirantar rakhnai gariyo.
Bihe pachi pura garnu sakiyena jasta purana dinma garnu bhako thiyo. Jindagi sikshak ko rupma bitayo, mandir janu ra brata basna jari rakhein. Ma Biratnagarma 11 barsa samma teacher ko rupma kaam garein. Tyes pachi 2002 ma ma Child Home ma samlagna bhaen ra 18 barsa samma tyahanko balbalika sanga kaam garein. Tyesai samaya ma hami le aafa lai Priya Swami, Guru, Bhagwan, Mentor Shree Sanjay Sai Baba barema janne mauka paen. Hamile Shankhamul ra Buddhanagar ma bhako Ashram ma dherai jaso gayeun. Kehi mahina pachhi tyaha ko Ashram saryeko thiyo tara kahan saryeko tha chaina thiyo. Ek din office bata farkidai gardaa Koteshwor (Narephat) ma Swami ko janmadin ko banner dekhe ra dherai khushi bhaen, ra Ashram ma janu thalyo. Tyaspachi Swami ko ashirbad, interview prapt gariyo ra Swami ko school ra unko mission ma sikshak ko rupma chayak bhaen. 2018 ma Swami le swoyam interview liyera teacher chayan garnu bhayo.
Covid ko samay ma respected Guru Daju le SB class ko lagi aru ek mentor ko rupma chetra gari bhayeko. Suruma online ma SSSSB class suru gariyo ra bistare bastare physical class huna thalyo. Ahile respected Guru Daju ko madad le Balkot ma SB class harek Shanibar chalai rakheko chha. Ma mero Priya Swami prati hridaya dekhi kirtagyata vyakta garchu jun yas jiwanma uhaale malai diyeko sujog ho. Ma yo sadhai jari rakhne prayas garna chaahanchu mero antim saans samma.
Aum Shree Sairam!!!
Meena Rijal (Teacher – SSSVM, Balkot, Bhaktapur)
Nepal, 5th Nov 2024
Kusumaa talks about herself and Swami's SSSSB program.
Koti Koti Pranaams at thy Lotus Feet of our beloved Bhagawan Baba
My Soul Blossom classes journey started in the year 1997 as a parent to my daughter. Initially I
had first been to Balvikas Class for 6 to 8 months as a parent and then later on as a guru where I
was asked to do some stories or plays games with children in class
My first Bal Vikas class was inaugurated on the occasion of Makarsankranti in January 1998 in
Kandivali area at my home. Later on during 2016, we started our First Shri Sanjay Sai Soul
Blossom Class of Mumbai chapter at our house -Gokul Gagan where all the non devotees parents
with their children attended the class.
In our Soul Blossom Class, we play games, do shloka chanting , meditation , storytelling with
children and carry on various seva activites through which we impart Swami’s teachings as
Love all Serve All , Sharing And Caring ,Help Ever Hurt Never etc . We motivate parents to
participate with their children in different festivals/ activities like 15 August Independence Day,
Ganesh Chaturthi Festival, Diwali Joy Packets Seva, Mango Seva distribution, Buttermilk/ Chaas
Distribution in summer etc.
Later in the year 2022, Gokul Gagan soul blossom class was merged with Holland Chapter under
Mr .Sunil Maripan whom we lovingly call as Guru Daju . Mr. Sunil Maripan is the head of
Holland chapter and also the head of International Soul Blossom Classes. After joining Holland
chapter, I have become a part of the International soul blossom class, participating regularly in
various Soul Blosom Classes for children of Nepal / Congo/ India.
I pray to Bhagawan to make us his instrument in carrying out activities in his divine mission and
to shower his love and grace on us
Koti Koti Pranaams aux Pieds de Lotus de notre bien-aimé Bhagawan Baba.
Mon voyage avec les classes Soul Blossom a commencé en 1997 en tant que parent pour ma fille. Au départ, j’ai assisté à la classe de Balvikas comme parent pendant 6 à 8 mois, puis plus tard comme guru où l’on m’a demandé de raconter des histoires ou de jouer à des jeux avec les enfants en classe.
Ma première classe Balvikas a été inaugurée à l’occasion de Makarsankranti en janvier 1998 dans la région de Kandivali, chez moi. Plus tard, en 2016, nous avons lancé notre première classe Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom du chapitre de Mumbai chez nous - Gokul Gagan, où tous les parents non dévots avec leurs enfants ont assisté à la classe.
Dans notre classe Soul Blossom, nous jouons à des jeux, récitons des shlokas, méditons, racontons des histoires aux enfants et réalisons diverses activités de seva à travers lesquelles nous transmettons les enseignements de Swami tels que : "Aimez tous, servez tous", "Partagez et prenez soin", "Aidez toujours, ne blessez jamais", etc. Nous motivons les parents à participer avec leurs enfants à différentes fêtes/activités comme la fête de l'Indépendance du 15 août, le festival de Ganesh Chaturthi, le service des paquets de joie pour Diwali, la distribution de mangues, la distribution de lait de beurre/chaas en été, etc.
Plus tard, en 2022, la classe Soul Blossom de Gokul Gagan a été fusionnée avec le chapitre de Hollande sous la direction de M. Sunil Maripan, que nous appelons affectueusement Guru Daju. M. Sunil Maripan est le chef du chapitre de Hollande et également le responsable des classes Soul Blossom internationales. Après avoir rejoint le chapitre de Hollande, je suis devenu(e) une partie de la classe internationale Soul Blossom, participant régulièrement à diverses classes Soul Blossom pour les enfants du Népal/Congo/Inde.
Je prie Bhagawan de faire de nous ses instruments pour accomplir les activités de sa mission divine et de nous combler de son amour et de sa grâce.
Koti Koti Pranaams timro Lotus Feet ma, hami sabai ko priya Bhagawan Baba.
Mero Soul Blossom class ko journey suru bhayo 1997 ma, jaba ma mero chhori ko parent ko roop ma class ma gaye. Suruma ma 6 dekhi 8 mahina samma Balvikas class ma parent ko rup ma gayeko thiye, ani pachhi guru ko rup ma jaba malai kathaharu bhanne ra bachha haru sanga class ma khel khelna bhaneko thiyo.
Mero pahilo Bal Vikas class Makarsankranti ko ausar ma January 1998 ma Kandivali ma mero ghar ma suru bhayo. Pachhi, 2016 ma, hami le Mumbai chapter ko pahilo Shri Sanjay Sai Soul Blossom Class Gokul Gagan ghar ma suru garna thalyo, jahaan non-devotee parents ra unka chhori-chhora haru le class attend gare.
Hamro Soul Blossom Class ma, hami khel khelchhau, shloka chanting garchhau, meditation garna ko lagi baschhau, bachhaharu sanga kathaharu bhanchhau, ra anya seva activities le Swami ko upadesh haru, jastai "Love All Serve All", "Sharing and Caring", "Help Ever Hurt Never" sikauchhau. Hami parents haru lai motivate garchhau ki tiniharu afno bachha sanga festival haru jastai 15 August Independence Day, Ganesh Chaturthi Festival, Diwali Joy Packets Seva, Mango Seva distribution, Buttermilk/Chaas distribution ma involve hun.
Pachhi 2022 ma, Gokul Gagan soul blossom class Holland Chapter ko Mr. Sunil Maripan ko netritwa ma milayo, jaspai hami Guru Daju bhanera maya garera bolchhau. Mr. Sunil Maripan Holland Chapter ra International Soul Blossom Class ko head ho. Holland chapter ma join gare pachi, ma International Soul Blossom Class ko hissa baneko chu, Nepal/Congo/India ka bachhaharu ko classes ma niyamita rup ma bhaag linchu.
Ma Bhagawan lai prarthana garchhu ki hami usko divine mission ma afno karya garna upakar garun ra afno maya ra kripa barsaaun.
Neerana shakya talks about herself and Swami's SSSSB program.
Om Shree Sai Ram 🙏
As a science student during my school and college years, I did not believe in gods and found the concept of being religious or a dharmatma unappealing. Visiting temples and performing puja sounded mechanical, and the term "spirituality" wasn’t even in my vocabulary. However, I did believe in living a life grounded in simplicity, truthfulness, and a soft-spoken nature. With Swamy’s divine grace, I became involved in his mission from the very beginning, joining the organization as a sewa dal member in the first year of its inception. For Swamy’s 19th birthday celebration, five sewa dal groups were created, and I was honored to be a part of one of them. I regularly attended programs at the Ashram and gradually began internalizing Swamy’s teachings through his divine discourses on Saturdays and special occasions.
Over time, these teachings transformed me into a spiritual person, though the journey took a while. I attribute all this transformation to Swamy’s grace and humbly bow at his divine lotus feet. In 2022, respected Guru Daju invited me to attend the SSSSB classes. Although hesitant at first, as I was not a teacher, I agreed to participate as an observer. Today, I feel deeply grateful to be part of this spiritual family, from which I have learned so much.
I realized that the "Family Class" model is essential in today’s world, where grandparents, parents, and children come together, inspiring each other to learn and live values daily. This communal approach is key to self-transformation. Guru Daju has crafted a complete program package aimed at personal growth and spiritual transformation. SSSSB classes are valuable not only for children but for everyone, adults, as they encompass physical, mental, academic, and spiritual development—essential in today’s world.
Often, we think only elders or teachers guide children. Yet, in SSSSB, we also learn from children, which is truly remarkable. The SSSSB platform encourages us to apply Swamy’s teachings in daily life and inspires us to grow together. As of today, the quality of the classes is exceptional.
Om Sairam.
Neerana Shakya,
Nepal, October 30, 2024
Om Shree Sai Ram 🙏
Pendant mes années scolaires et universitaires en tant qu'étudiant en sciences, je ne croyais pas aux dieux, et l'idée d'être religieux ou dharmatma ne m’attirait pas. Visiter des temples et faire des pujas me semblait mécanique, et le mot "spiritualité" ne faisait même pas partie de mon vocabulaire. Cependant, je croyais en une vie fondée sur la simplicité, la vérité et un caractère doux. Grâce à la grâce divine de Swami, je me suis impliqué dès le début dans sa mission, rejoignant l'organisation en tant que membre du sewa dal dès la première année de sa création. Pour la célébration du 19e anniversaire de Swami, cinq groupes de sewa dal ont été créés, et j’ai eu l’honneur de faire partie de l'un d’eux. J’assistais régulièrement aux programmes de l’Ashram et j’ai commencé progressivement à intérioriser les enseignements de Swami à travers ses discours divins le samedi et lors d'occasions spéciales.
Au fil du temps, ces enseignements m'ont transformé en une personne spirituelle, bien que le parcours ait pris du temps. J’attribue toute cette transformation à la grâce de Swami et m'incline humblement à ses pieds de lotus divins. En 2022, le respecté Guru Daju m'a invité à assister aux cours SSSSB. Bien qu'hésitant au début, car je n'étais pas enseignant, j'ai accepté de participer en tant qu’observateur. Aujourd'hui, je me sens profondément reconnaissant de faire partie de cette famille spirituelle, dont j'ai tant appris.
J'ai réalisé que le modèle de "Family Class" est essentiel dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, où grands-parents, parents et enfants se réunissent et s'inspirent mutuellement pour apprendre et vivre des valeurs au quotidien. Cette approche communautaire est la clé de l'auto-transformation. Guru Daju a conçu un programme complet axé sur la croissance personnelle et la transformation spirituelle. Les cours SSSSB sont précieux non seulement pour les enfants mais aussi pour les adultes, car ils couvrent le développement physique, mental, académique et spirituel—essentiel dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.
Souvent, nous pensons que seuls les aînés ou les enseignants guident les enfants. Cependant, dans SSSSB, nous apprenons également des enfants, ce qui est vraiment remarquable. La plateforme SSSSB nous encourage à appliquer les enseignements de Swami dans notre vie quotidienne et nous inspire à grandir ensemble. Aujourd'hui, la qualité des cours est exceptionnelle.
Om Sairam.
Neerana Shakya,
Nepal, October 30, 2024
Nepali (Roman script)
Om Shree Sai Ram 🙏
School ra college ko barsharu ma science ko bisayama padhdai, ma devi-devata maa biswas gardina thye, ra dharmik athawa dharmatma hune kura malai appealing lagdaina thyo. Mandir janu ra puja garnu ekdam mechanik jasto lagthyo, ra “spirituality” jasto shabd ta mero shabdakosh maa pani thiena. Tara, ma saralata, satyata, ra namrata maa baseko jeewan jiewa maa biswas garthe. Swamy ko divya kripa le ma suru dekhi nai wahako mission maa samlagna bhaye, ra sangathan maa shuru ko barsha nai ma sewa dal sadasya ko rup maa bhaag linchu. Swamy ko 19au janmadin ko utsav maa paanch ota sewa dal group banaieka thiye, ra ma tyo grupo ma sahabhagi huna pako thiye. Ma ashram maa niyamit rupmaa karyakram haru maa bhaag linchhu ra bistaarai Swamy ko upadesharu shanibaar ra bishes awasarharuma sunna thale.
Samay sangai yaha upadesharu le malai ek jana aadhyatmik byakti maa pariwartan gare, yadi samay lagnu pani paryo. Ma yaha sabai pariwartan lai Swamy ko kripa ma lekheko chhu ra waha ka divya charan maa namra bhayera pranaam garchhu. 2022 maa, maananiya Guru Daju le malai SSSSB classes maa sahabhagi huna nimto garnu bhayo. Suruma ma alikati aatintahaye, kina bhane ma teacher ta thiina, tara ma observer ko rup maa bhaag linchu bhanye. Aaja, ma is aadhyatmik pariwarko bhaag bhayeko maa gahiro kritagya chhu, ra yaha maile dherai kura haru sikheko chhu.
Maile bujhe ki “Family Class” model aajako duniya maa ekdamai aawasyak chha, jaha hajurba-hajuraama, buwa-aama, ra chhora-chhori haru sangai aayera ek-arkalai prerna dinchhan, ra dainik jeewan maa mulya sikchan. Yo samuhik abhyas nai swaparivartan ko kunji ho. Guru Daju le ek sampurna program package banaunu bhayeko chha jo vyakti gat bikas ra aadhyatmik pariwartan maa kendrit chha. SSSSB classes matra ke bachha haru ka lagi haina, byasko lagi pani ekdamai important chha kina bhane yasle physical, mental, academic, ra aadhyatmik bikas lai bhag garna sakchha—jo aaja ko dunia maa awasyak chha.
Hami dherai jaso sochchhau ki keta-ketiharu lai matra badha haru le sikauchhan tara SSSSB maa haami ni bachhaharu bata dherai sikchhau, jun ekdamai bishesh chha. SSSSB platform le hami lai Swamy ko upadesharu dainik jivan maa laagna ra sangai badhna prerna dinchha. Aaja ko din samma aauda classes ko quality ekdamai bishist chha.
Om Sairam.
Neerana Shakya,
Nepal, October 30, 2024
Guru Daju [Sunil Marapin] talks about himself and Swami's SSSSB program.
Om Shri Sai Ram,
As a young boy, I believed that if people helped each other even a little, it would greatly improve the lives of those in need. I imagined that scholars, with their knowledge and wisdom, would have all the answers and be able to guide us on the right path. This belief motivated me to work hard in school, hoping to reach a position where I, too, could make a difference. I had immense respect for my high school teachers, whom I saw as potential saviors of the world.
However, when I began my studies in higher education, I was disappointed to find that many of my professors seemed more focused on themselves than on the world’s problems. This realization was painful, especially as I was already struggling academically. Disillusioned, I stopped attending classes. I would leave home as if going to school, but instead, I would sit in a nearby park, trying to come to terms with this disappointment.
After a few weeks, I decided to find another path to fulfill my desire to contribute to society. I turned to sports, hoping to achieve a platform through tennis from which I could speak to the world. I trained tirelessly from early morning until evening, but after a few years, it became clear that I didn’t have the talent to progress to the professional level I had hoped for.
At that time, I had already learned about Parthi Sai and continued attending gatherings, where I absorbed valuable teachings. However, I didn’t find the creative space there to contribute in the way I believed Parthi Sai intended.
Then, in 2020, Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai gave me the opportunity to serve as the International SSSSB Coordinator, a role that felt like the most important and essential position I could hold in today’s world.
Since childhood, I’ve seen spiritual programs as essential, offering knowledge about a meaningful way of life. With the rise of modern technology—TV, phones, and especially the internet—spiritual programs have only grown in significance. Yet, as interest in spirituality has declined among some, Swami’s SSSSB program has become even more vital.
The true purpose of these programs is to inspire a transformation toward a better character. Without this transformation, the program’s mission is incomplete. I see Swami’s SSSSB program as indispensable for all of us, as it brings insight, wisdom, and balance to our lives. By practicing its teachings, we can continuously transform ourselves and move toward perfection.
My role as International SSSSB Coordinator enables me to guide the program for maximum impact, inspiring participants to grow and improve. The effect of the SSSSB program is clearly visible among its dedicated participants; parents, schools, and others who witness the positive changes in children are grateful and willing to support it however they can.
I also want to acknowledge that many other programs from different organizations contribute to the character growth of their participants, working toward a better world. I am deeply grateful to Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba for granting me this profound opportunity to serve.
Om Sairam,
Sunil Marapin
The Netherlands, October 31, 2024
Om Shree Sai Ram,
Dès mon jeune âge, je pensais que si les gens s’entraidaient un peu, cela améliorerait grandement la vie de ceux qui en ont besoin, et chacun pourrait subvenir à ses besoins quotidiens essentiels. Je croyais que les érudits, avec leur savoir et leur sagesse, avaient toutes les réponses et pouvaient nous montrer le bon chemin. Cette conviction m’a motivé à étudier sérieusement, dans l’espoir qu’un jour, je pourrais aussi contribuer au monde. Mon respect envers mes professeurs du secondaire était immense, car je les voyais comme des sauveurs potentiels de notre société.
Cependant, en commençant mes études supérieures, j’ai été déçu de constater que beaucoup de mes professeurs semblaient plus préoccupés par eux-mêmes que par les problèmes du monde. Cette prise de conscience a été difficile, surtout que mes études étaient déjà un défi pour moi. Déçu, j’ai arrêté d’aller en classe et me suis retrouvé à passer mes journées dans un parc à proximité de l’école, essayant de gérer ma tristesse.
Après quelques semaines, j’ai décidé de trouver une autre voie pour accomplir mon objectif de servir le monde. Je me suis tourné vers le sport, espérant atteindre un niveau élevé en tennis afin d’avoir une plateforme pour partager mon message. J’ai consacré mes journées entières à l’entraînement, mais après quelques années, il était clair que je n’avais pas le talent nécessaire pour progresser au niveau professionnel.
À cette époque, j'avais déjà découvert Parthi Sai et je continuais à assister aux rassemblements, où j’absorbais des enseignements précieux. Cependant, je n’ai pas trouvé là-bas l’espace créatif pour contribuer de la manière dont je pensais que Parthi Sai le souhaitait.
En 2020, Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai m’a offert l’opportunité d’occuper le poste de Coordinateur international du SSSSB, un rôle que je considère aujourd’hui comme le plus important dans notre monde actuel.
Depuis mon enfance, j’ai toujours vu les programmes spirituels comme essentiels pour nous guider vers un mode de vie enrichissant. Avec l’arrivée de la technologie moderne—télévision, téléphones, et surtout Internet—ces programmes sont devenus encore plus nécessaires. Alors que l’intérêt pour la spiritualité a diminué chez certains, le programme SSSSB de Swami est devenu encore plus vital.
Le but principal de ces programmes est d’inspirer une transformation vers un meilleur caractère. Sans cette transformation, le programme n’a pas rempli sa mission. Je considère le programme SSSSB de Swami comme indispensable pour tous, car il apporte un éclairage, de la sagesse et de l’équilibre dans nos vies. En appliquant les enseignements dans notre quotidien, nous pouvons nous transformer progressivement et tendre vers la perfection.
Mon rôle de Coordinateur international du SSSSB me permet de guider le programme pour qu’il soit le plus efficace possible, inspirant les participants à s’améliorer. L’impact du programme SSSSB est clairement visible chez les participants assidus; les parents, les écoles, et d’autres, qui observent la transformation chez les enfants, en sont reconnaissants et prêts à le soutenir de toutes les manières possibles.
Enfin, je tiens à reconnaître que d’autres programmes issus de diverses organisations contribuent également au développement de leurs participants, travaillant ainsi vers un monde meilleur. Je suis profondément reconnaissant envers Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai Baba pour cette grande opportunité de seva.
Om Sairam,
Sunil Marapin
Pays-Bas, October 31, 2024
Nepali Roman:
Om Shree Sai Ram,
Bachhapan dekhi nai maile sochnethiye ki jastai kehi madat gariyeko bhaye, tyaspachi dherai mancheharuko jeewan maa nikai sudhar aauthyo ra kasailai din-bhari ko aavashyakata pura garna samasya hunna thiyo. Maile tyas bela sochnyathie ki gyan ra buddhi bhayeka vidhwanharu sabai prashnako jawab dina sakchhan ra hami sabailai sahi bato dekhauchhan. Yo biswas le malai padhaima ramrari mehnat garna utsahit banayo, yaha samma ki ek din maipani tesai sthitima pugchu jaha ma pani sansarma thulo yogdan garna sakchu. Maile mero biswas mero uchha shikshako guru haruma rakheko thiye, jun manparne manchheharu thiye jaska maile sansarko banchakari maneko thiye.
Tar, jab ma uchha shiksha padna thale, maile pahay ki dherai jasta mero guru haru afulai matra mahattwo dinchhan ra sansarko chinta gardainan. Yo kura nikai dukhdai lagyo, khaas gari ma pahilai nai padhai maa sanghars gariraheko thiye. Dukhit bhayepachi, ma school jan chhodera ghar bata niskanthie tara school najane gara park maa baseko, mero samasya samjha ra samjhana ma bhulne prayashma.
Kehi hapta pachi, maile arko bato khojne nirnaya gare. Maile khel maa uchai hasil garne man banaye ra tennis khelai sansar sanga kura garne majbuth tathha platform banauchhu bhanne sochma purai din khelma mehnat gardai, tara kehi barsha pachi maile bujhe ki mero professional starma badhne lagi talent chaina.
Tyas samaya samma, maile Parthi Sai barema thaha paaisakeko thie ra ma sammelan haruma janu ra mahaan siksha haru grahan garnu lai jari rakheko thie. Tara, maile tyaha malai lagne tarikale yogdan garna anukool anyashil kshetra paayina, jun maile socheko thie ki Parthi Sai ko ichchha anusar hune thiyo.
2020 ma, Bhagwan Shri Sanjay Sai le malai antar-rashtriya SSSSB Coordinator ko sthaan dinu bhayo, jo mero najikma din-bishe ki ek ati mahattwapurna ra anibarya post ho.
Maile sadhai spiritual programlai ek ramro jeewan jeewne bhaneko rasto panth ko rupma liyeko thiye. Aadhunik technology TV, mobile, ra bishesgari internetko prachuratale yeta sabai ramaile darshan gari raheko chhu, ra yo sanshkar SSSSB program le aru beshi rasanha diyo. Swami ko sidhantle yehi cheez samajuko mukhya udhyesh rakhcha ra nagarik lai ek pawa charitra ko bati nai hajur janatiyo ki program raheko ni mahasooscha. Tyas program ko prabhaw khas garchha. Ma aapanle program ko unda big thanam anek asarharu sakala janakari cha; guru dai jasta anubhaw haru parikshaklai thulo madat dine bhako dai yeuharu bhani dinu chaincha:
Tyas program ko prabhaw sakaraatmak cha jun kaslai sahakari cha sakal kura haru.
Om Sairam.
Sunil Marapin
Netherlands, October 31, 2024