For the victims of the big (and the smaller) earthquakes in Nepal, 2015, we started a project to help as many as we could. We used this page and the SRF Facebook to report our developments and to publish stories from Nepal. We already had charity projects and people there. Therefore, we had the chance to operate directly. By august 2015, we had collected more than € 9.000 and delivered many tents, food supplies, Solar-powered lights and other supplies (see report below). By this time (august) we decided to continue our focus more on our other projects again, to deliver more consistent and durable kind of help to the people in need.


17 days after the first big earthquake, a new earthquake has hit Nepal. This one had a power of 7.3. Like the first quake, this one was also felt in China and India and it also had the heavy aftershocks. Especially tents are needed now because the people sleep outside of their fragile, damaged houses.


– Emergency Aid : Rice, Daal/linzen, Oil, Salt, Electrobion, Toothpaste, Soap, Medicine, Mouth-Caps, Tents, Mosquito-nets, Clothes, Blankets, Schoolbag, Writing-Books, Pens, Biscuits, Cookies, Chocolate, Nuts, Dry Fruits and more.

WakaWaka Light Classic: The most efficient solar-power-light in the world, gives up to 80 hours of light from one charge.

About our teams & SRF-connected-children in Nepal/India:

We have staff-members and children in Nepal/India who are connected to our projects: All staff-members, children and their families are safe.

At first, Sairam Foundation started a WakaWaka project especially for the victims of the earthquake in Nepal. The focus is now on the earthquake in Nepal. However, because families in remote areas of Nepal barely have food and are unreachable for the big organizations and have not yet received help from the government, we decided to support them with emergency supplies such as food-packages, medicine and other products.