You too can Sponsor a Child for 7 euro per month (in 2022 and 2021 the sponsor amount was 6 euro per month)
(100% of your donation goes to projects).

SSSVM school is our main project from 2020

You can sponsor a student for 6 euros per month.

Bank details
Place: The Hague

IBAN: NL96 BUNQ 2064 8716 75

In the year 2020 we were able to sponsor 225 students.

We hope to sponsor 250 students for the year 2021.

SSSVM school is  onze hoofdproject vanaf 2020

U kunt voor 6 euro per maand een LEERLING sponsoren

Bank gegevens
Naam: Sairam Foundation
Plaats: Den Haag 
Bank nummer: NL96 BUNQ 2064 8716 75

In het jaar 2020 hebben wij 225 leerlingen mogen sponsoren.

Voor het jaar 2021 hopen wij 250 leerlingen te sponsoren.

Our sponsors of year 2022 (250 students)

Code Name Sponsor (Country: Holland ) Total Sponsor amount 2022 (euros) Note / website
2022-00-B Sairam Administration office
2022-01-P Hr Bi 300
2022-02-B Adrianos Montage 275
2022-03-P Mw B Bandhoe 210
2022-04-P Mw S Satnarian 208
2022-05-P Hr DS Wolinski 190
2022-06-P Hr Kartaram 195
2022-07-P Hr AV Behari 162
2022-08-P Anoniem 150
2022-09-P Mw SV Bandhoe 130
2022-10-P Hr D Hanoeman en/of Mw P Soekhradj 117
2022-11-P Mw S Pahladsingh 106
2022-12-B Buro Bakker Hillegrom 75
2022-13-P Seeta ( B. Maikoe) 50
2022-14-P Jhanjhan 39
2022-15-P Rithes 30
2022-16-P Mw Hamidullahkhan 30
2022-17-P Sewnath 26
2022-18-P Lakhai-Nanda 13
2022-19-P Mw S Bhugoea 10
2022-20-P K Marapin 3,99

Our sponsors of year 2021 (250 students)

Code Name Sponsor (Country: Holland ) Total Sponsor amount 2021 (euros) Note / website
2021-01-B Sairam Administration office 10276
2021-02-P Anoniem 4816
2021-03-P Mrs S Satnarian 1248
2021-04-P Darek Wolinski 433
2021-05-B Rithes 381
2021-06-P Madhuri 330
2021-07-P Buro Bakker Hillegrom 300
2021-08-B Bi 300
2021-09-P Seeta ( B. Maikoe) 300
2021-10-P Kartaram 180
2021-11-P Hamidullahkhan 180
2021-12-P Bandhoe SV 156
2021-13-P Hanoeman 156
2021-14-P Sewnath 156
2021-15-P Lakhai-Nanda 156
2021-16-B Jhanjhan 156
2021-17-P L Jokhoe (Lilian/Madhu) 150
2021-18-P Ramkisoensing 143
2021-19-P Sita Bhugoea 130
2021-20-P Zaki Hoseini 120
2021-21-P S Bhawanibhikh 120
2021-22-P Lim 100
2021-23-P RAS RAMNATH 100
2021-24-B B Bandhoe 75
2021-25-P Sita Sathoe 45
2021-26-P  AV Behari 18
2021-27-P Anoniem (D) 10

Our sponsors of year 2020 (225 students)

Code Name Sponsor (Country: Holland ) Total Sponsor amount 2020 (euros) Note / website
2020-01-B Sairam Administration office ( ) 10276
2020-02-P Sunil 4816
2020-03-P Mrs S Satnarian 1040
2020-04-P Madhu Jokhoe 360
2020-05-P Darek Wolinski 345
2020-06-B Madhuri 310
2020-07-P Seeta 300
2020-08-P Mr Mennen 300
2020-09-P Bi 300
2020-10-B Buro Bakker Hillegrom 275
2020-11-P Panchoe 200
2020-12-P B Bandhoe 180
2020-13-P Hamidullahkhan 180
2020-14-P Kartaram 180
2020-15-P Bandhoe SV 156
2020-16-P Sewnath 156
2020-17-P Hanoeman 156
2020-18-P Jhanjhan 156
2020-19-P Lakhai-Nanda 156
2020-20-P Sita Bhugoea 130
2020-21-P LP van der Linden 125
2020-22-P R Maikoe 100
2020-23-P MP Mahadew 100
2020-24-P Bandhoe AMW 65
2020-25-P Ramkisoensing 52
2020-26-P H Mgharbi 48,48