STUDENTs, Teachers and others about SSSVM school

May 2021: Diya K.C. 15 years old, student of grade 9

My school is my second home and is the most popular organization that homes my teachers and guardians.
My school name is Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir which is located in Balkot ,Bhaktapur.
My teachers are my gurus. A teacher is the guardian of a student's future and social development. Our school was established by Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Being the student of Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba i really feel proud.
Our school teaches many spritual things which brings lots of change on me. We greet each  other by saying sai ram.We respect our teachers and staffs in our school.
I love my teachers staffs and my school. 


Mei 2021: Diya K.C., 15 jaar, leerling van groep 9


Mijn school is mijn tweede thuis en is de populairste organisatie voor mijn leraren en voogden. De naam van de school is Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir. Het is gelegen in Balkot, Bhaktapur. Mijn leraren zijn mijn goeroes. Een leraar is de bewaker van de toekomstige en sociale ontwikkeling van een leerling. Onze school is opgericht door Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Als student van Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba ben ik echt trots. Onze school leert ons veel spirituele dingen die bij mij veel veranderingen brengen. We begroeten elkaar door “Sai Ram” te zeggen. We respecteren onze leraren en personeel op onze school. Ik hou van mijn leraren en school.


May 2021: Enjilina 10 years old, student of grade 4

Aum Shree Sai Ram!πŸ™
My humble pranams at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Today I am going to share my experience of our School (S.S.S.V.M) Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir with you all. My schools moto is "Education for character development ". Before four (4) years I study in janajoti Vidhya Mandir in Dang,Ghorahi. Then I transfer from Dang to Kathmandu. Then my parents were searching for a school for my study. Then that time my parents know about this school which name is Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir and in that time this school was in Buddhanagar, Kathmandu.
To admit in this school i need to give my interview to the principal. Then i was selected in this school. Then I join in class one (1). First time I don't know anything about this school and Bhagawan Baba. That time i were living in Bhaktapur. So, i go to school by school bus and there were so much problems to me. I need to wake up at 6:00 am and i ate my breakfast at 7:30 am. At 8:00 am I need to be at the road because school bus came there and asemly starts at 9:30 am. Every thursday I came home at 6:00 pm from school. Sometimes while saying mantras i don't know anything. So, in that time i tell wrong. Then after 1 (one) month I know everything about teachers, school and Bhagawan Baba. After one year my school transfer from buddhanagar to Balkot, Bhaktapur. Our school was so near and it made for me very easy. I go to school by walking. When i came to class 2 i became close to teachers and Bhagawan Baba. I learn many things in our school. My all fear has gone when I came close to Bhagawan Baba. In our school there is extra curricular activities like bhajan, speech, games, essay and handwriting competition, also. In every class I get good grade. From study to my all activities changed and be better. In every activities i participate and i get good result in every activities. In our school Ashram every festival are celebrated and and by listening Swami spiritual speech my mind get positive, caring, loving and helping. Thank you Bhagawan Baba for your free education.
Aum Shree Sanjay Sai Ram πŸ™πŸ™

Mei 2021: Enjiliana,10 jaar, leerling van groep 4


Aum Shree Sai Ram! πŸ™

Mijn nederige pranams aan de goddelijke lotusvoeten van Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Vandaag ga ik mijn ervaring van onze school Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir (S.S.S.V.M) met jullie allemaal delen. Mijn school zijn motto is: “Onderwijs voor karakterontwikkeling.” Vier jaar geleden studeerde ik in janajoti Vidhya Mandir in Dang, Ghorahi. Daarna stapte ik over van Dang naar Kathmandu. Toen waren mijn ouders op zoek naar een school voor mijn studie. Toen kwamen ze tegen die tijd een school tegen genaamd Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir. Toentertijd zat deze school nog in Buddhanagar, Kathmandu. Om toegelaten te worden op deze school, had ik een interview met de directeur nodig. Toen werd ik geselecteerd op deze school. Ik begon mee te doen met klas 1. De eerste keer wist ik niks over deze school en Bhagawan Baba. Toen woonde ik nog in Bhaktapur. Ik ga met de schoolbus naar school en er waren zoveel problemen voor mij. Ik moet op 06:00 uur opstaan en ik at mijn ontbijt om 07:30 uur. Om 08:00 moet ik buiten de deur staan, want de schoolbus stond daar dan en mijn lessen begonnen om 09:30. Elke donderdag kwam ik om 18:00 thuis van school. Soms als ik de mantra’s zei, weet ik niks van wat er gezegd wordt. Dus in die tijd zei ik het verkeerd. Na 1 maand wist ik wel alles over de leraren, school en Bhagawan Baba. Na 1 schooljaar verplaatste mijn school van Buddhanagar naar Balkot, Bhaktapur. Onze school zat toen zo dichtbij dat het gemakkelijker werd voor mij dat ik lopend naar school kon. Toen ik naar de tweede klas ging, kreeg ik een hechte band met de leraren en Bhagawan Baba. Ik leer zoveel dingen op onze school. Al mijn angsten waren verdwenen toen ik dicht bij Bhagawan Baba kwam. Op onze school zijn er ook buitenschoolse activiteiten zoals Bhajan, toespraken, spelletjes, essay- en handschriftencompetities. Ik elke klas haalde ik goede cijfers. Mijn studie en alle activiteiten veranderden en werden beter. In neem deel aan alle activiteiten en ik krijg een goed resultaat bij elke activiteit. In onze school Ashram wordt elk festival gevierd en door te luisteren naar de spirituele toespraken van Swami, word mijn geest positiever, zorgzamer, liefdevoller en behulpzamer. Bedankt Bhagawan Baba voor uw gratis onderwijs.

Aum Shree Sanjday Sai Ram. πŸ™πŸ™

May 2021: Sneha 13 years old, student of grade 7

Om Shree Sairam my humble Pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Sairam to all the respected teachers, Sai devotees, and Sai students. SSSVM is the key to reach destination. ''Education for character development'' is the motto of my school. It is already two years I have been studying in this school. My school is an English medium school. Accept school books my school teaches us different things like how to be a good student, how to be self discipline, how to be dedicate towards the work, etc. My school is little bit ordinary than other school because my school teaches us to chant bhajans, mantras, and my school have Soul Blossom class every Saturday which makes our mind fresh and helps us to think positive. I want to thank Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba who gives me golden opportunity to study in this school. When I came to this school I feel very blessed. I have improve my many habits by studying this school. I am feeling proud to be Sai Student. And I again want to say thank you to Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. At last, I want to tell one thing to everyone which I learn from this school is ''We should develop good character in ourself which makes us to go on right path''.

Mei 2021: Sneha, 13 jaar, leerling van groep 7

Om Shree Sairam, mijn nederige Pranam aan de heilige goddelijke lotusvoeten van Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Sairam aan alle gerespecteerde leraren, Sai toegewijde en en Sai studenten. SSSVM is de sleutel om de bestemming te bereiken. “Onderwijs voor karakterontwikkeling” is het motto van mijn school. Het is al mijn tweede jaar dat ik op deze school studeer. Mijn school is een Engelse medium school en accepteert schoolboeken. Mijn school leert ons verschillende dingen, zoals een goede leerling zijn, zelfdiscipline hebben, toegewijd zijn aan het werk enz. Mijn school is een beetje  anders dan andere scholen, omdat mijn school ons leert om Bhajans te chanten en mantra’s en mijn school heeft elke zaterdag Soul-Blossom lessen, wat onze geest fris maakt en ons helpt om positief te denken. Ik wil Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba bedanken die mij de gouden kans geeft om op deze school te studeren. Toen ik naar deze school kwam voelde ik me erg gezegend. Ik heb mijn vele gewoontes verbeterd door op deze school te studeren. Ik  voel mij trots om een Sai student te zijn. Ik wil nogmaals Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba bedanken. Ten slotte wil ik iedereen nog een ding vertellen over wat ik op deze school heb geleerd: “We moeten een goed karakter in onszelf ontwikkelen, waardoor we op het juiste pad komen.”

May 2021: Aarushi, 10 years old, student of grade 3

Om Shree Sai ram ! My humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Baba.
sairam to all. I have been reading in SSSVM for three year 
SSSVM is the key of success.
My school is blessed by Bhagwan S
hree Sanjay Sai Baba.
My school provide us free education.
My school focus on extra curricular activities.
I like bhajan and mantra because when we sing Bhajan and mantra we get positive Energy
I am very lucky to get chance to read in this school.

Mei 2021: Aarushi, 10 jaar, leerling van groep 3

Om Shree Sai-Ram!

Mijn nederige Pranam aan de heilige goddelijke lotusvoeten van Bhagawan Baba. Sairam voor iedereen. Ik heb mij al drie jaar lang verdiept in SSSVM. SSSVM is de sleutel tot succes. Mijn school is gezegd door Bhagawan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Mijn school biedt ons gratis onderwijs. Mijn school richt zich op buitenschoolse activiteiten. Ik hou van Bhajan en Mantra, want als we Bhajan en Mantra zingen krijgen we positieve energie. Ik heb het geluk dat ik de kans krijg om me in te lezen op deze school.

May 2021: Bandana 12 years old, student of grade 6

Om Sri Sairam! My humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba. I have been reading S.S.S.V.M ( Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir) for 4 years.

S.S.S.V.M was established by Bhagwan Baba in 2067. S.S.S.V.M is the school blessed by Lord Bhagwan Baba and it is situated at Balkot, Bhaktapur. The motto of my school is ''Education for character development''. This school is full of divinity.  Here, Students are not only taught books but also Spiritual values. They are also taught Mantras. This school provides free education with all the required facilities. This school focuses on extra curicular activities too. This is an English medium school. Here, students are taught to be well disciplined. The education provided by S.S.S.V.M is not only important for students but important for every people in the world. I feel very lucky to get the opportunity to study in this school with the blessings of Bhagwan Baba.

May 2021: Anmol 11 years old, student of grade 6

Om Shree Sairam!! My humble obeisances at the feet of the divine lotus of Bhagwan Shree Sanjay Sai Baba. Sairam to all. I have been reading in SSSVM [Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir] for 7 years
SSSVM is a school that leads us to a better path and success. Our school was pre-published by our Swami at 2068 BS. The motto of our school is "Education for Character Development". Our school provides free education with all high facilities and qualified teachers. Our school is an English medium school. Our school teaches us to be good people before engaging in any field because we cannot be perfect in our work unless we are good people. My school is different from other schools because in this school we learn about good character, ethics and spiritual things. There are many facilities required for the school. I feel very lucky that 1 am a Sai student. I want to thank Bhagwan Baba, my teachers for teaching me, which are helping me to reach success and all other who support SSSVM.. Om Sri Sairam.

May 2021: Yujina, 12 years old, student of grade 7

Om Sri Sairam! My humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwaan Baba. SairamπŸ™ to all the respected teachers, elders, Sai devotees, Sai students and others.
SSSVM is the key to reach destination. School is temple where teachers is like God who share us new knowledge and also shows right way to future. Our school teaches us to live with good character in life. Like wise my school name is Shree Sanjay Sai Vidhya Mandir. I have been reading in this school for 3 years and in 3 years. I feel very blessed when i enter this school. I think i am very luckiest to be Sai student because this school is established by Swami Sanjay Baba in 2067 who do many struggle in His life. My school is different than other school because in this school we learn about good characters, moralities and human beings and as well as bhajan and chant mantras. In my school there is many facilities which is needed for school. In my school there is Soul Blossom class which motivate self confidence and teaches that money is not great thing good characters in human life is needed to be good person in life.
At last i want to thankful to Bhagwaan Sanjay Sai Baba to choose me as a Sai student and give opportunity. As well as i thank teachers too for giving good education and knowledge which is very important in human life. Ans also I want thank all other who support SSSVM. I feel proud to be Sai student. I learn and wants to say good character is important in life "love all", "serve all"
Om Sri Sairam πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

May 2021: Suweksha, 14 years old, student of grade 8

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Deva Maheshwara, Guru Sakshat Param Brahma Tesmai Shree Guruve Namah. 
Om Shree Sairam, my humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhaghwan Baba and heartily sairam to everyone. SSSVM is a  school which focus on character development of a person to produce trustful and capable citizen. I have joined this school three year back and I have found a great and positive difference in SSSVM comparing to my previous school. SSSVM provides theoritical, practical, spiritual and moral education. Our school was eastablished at 2068 BS by our beloved Swami. Our school moto is "education for character development". Our school provides free education with all the high facilities and qualified teachers. Our school is an english medium school. Our school teach us to be a good person before engaging in any field because until and unless we are not good person till then we can't be perfect in our work. I found myself blessed and lucky to get a chance to read in this school. I like to thank Bhaghwan Baba for establishing this school and I like to thank all my teacher to provide us qualified teacher and also all others who support our SSSVM. At last I like to spread one message which is said by our beloved Bhaghwan, "Help ever, hurt never". Thank you.
Twam Sharanam Mama

April 2021: Rashu, 14 years old, student of grade 8

Om Shree Sairam!
My humble pranam at the holy divine lotus feet of Bhagwan Baba. In my opinion SSSVM school is a door for a good future.
We can learn how to live a life with good character in SSSVM school.
I have been reading in this school for 10 years and I feel very blessed to be a student of this school.
In SSSVM, students are taught to be a good person because a good person can be good doctor, good engineer etc.
I learn from my school that the person who earns money is not the great person but the person who earns the good character is a great person.
Thank you Baba for choosing me as a student of this school and i would like to thank my teachers for giving me a knowledge which is very important in life. And  also i would thank all others who are support SSSVM.
At last I want to say "love all", "serve all".
Om Shree Sairam!

April 2021: Rashu, 14 jaar oud, leerling van klas 8