Name Youth (Age) Soul Blossom Youth Class A B C explanation Note
01-Rohita SSSVM grade 9 B I will give the money to poor in need because the rich woman have a lots of money. She doen't care about little money with her. She is going to spend the money to buy unnecessary things. If the money will be given to the poor then at least they can feed themseves for some days instead of staying hungry. They can buy necessery things for them. They will not waste the money in unnecessary things as the rich woman as they know the value of money.
02-Sumu KATUNJE B c If will give the needly poeples, but keep also little for myself. I like to serve others, the feeling insite us got fruitful and our heart became happy. My hobby is social serving. (seva).
02-Ankita SSSVM grade 9 B If I give it back to her then she will spend those all money for unnecessary things. If I will serve the poor and needy people, they will be very happy, and I will also get a lot of blessings and good wishes from them. “Serving to mankind is serving to God”
03-Dipika SSSVM grade 9 A I would return her wallet becouse i dint have any right to take and use her wallet. If she would try to buy an ice-cream then i would reject it instead. I would inspire her to help those who cannot even get good food for the themself.I would also inspire her not to waste money on unnecessary things instead she can help poor and needlypoeple as she like and as she can. If she would be motivated then she would also do a lot of contribution in inspiring others to help needly poeple. I would try my best to inspire her because our main goal is not only to help and serve others but also to inspire others to walk on the same path by our.
07-Prabesh KATUNJE B I will give it to poeple who really need it, because if i will give it back the money will be used unnecessary way
07-Roshani SSSVM grade 9 A - We cannot take others property or something what is precious. If we take it will give a lot of problems: - like the owner will think we are a thief, - or she will think we are the person who is dependent on others and doesn’t work. - and think we are selfish also
06-Pranjol KATUNJE B Give to poeple who is really in need becouse they have not proper facilities
06-Sampada SSSVM grade 9 A I would return and if she asks me for the ice cream I say politely: "Instead of buying me an ice cream you can help poor and needy people"
03-Raj KATUNJE B Give who is really in need because they dont have proper dress, cloth etc.
05-Samridha SSSVM grade 9 B I would give to people in need. If I return, she will buy useless things. Needy people are more important than the ice cream. I will get a lot of blessings from them.
04-Suvam KATUNJE B I will give to who is really in need because they do not have proper facility and they do not have even education. And they do not have property clothes, home, food etc.
08-Vinita SSSVM grade 9 B I would Give to people in need. Because the true spirit of human lies in heart of poor to whom you help. God will also be happy when we help those people and that is Satya, dharma. Another thing; money may not buy love but it might buy us happiness if we spend it in right way as if we give or donate to poor that is the happiness that we never got from anyone.
01-Rose KATUNJE B I will give to who is really in need because they have face many problem in their life. They have not proper facilities like us. Like no proper food, sleter, maney. So, i like to help who need maney
04-Amrit SSSVM grade 9 B I would distribute the money to poor and homeless people because the woman have everything If I return the money then she will us it for unnecessary things. A poor person will use for his live hood and he will be happy.
05-Swayeksha KATUNJE C I would do something else , becouse the business woman was very rich. She doesnt even know how many wallets she has. If i doesn't return the wallet to her it doesn't make any difference to her. With that money i would take half for my basic needs and half to the disable, old and orphanes who are alone and half of the money i will give it to the organisation which resuce animals as i love animals so much.
09-Sabina SSSVM grade 9 B If i were the student i would give the money to poeple in need becouse the true spirit of human lies in heart of poor to whom you help. as the God will Also be happy when we help those poeple and that is the Sathya Dharma. ans another thing money may not buy as happines if we spend it in right way as if we give or donate to poor that is the happiness that we never got from anyone


Once upon a time there was a student walking in de city. He saw a very very rich businesswoman. He recognized her from the TV and the big companies she owned.
The rich businesswoman walked with a lot of wallets, with a lot of money.
She planned to buy everything she liked, as she often did. She bought
everything what she like, even she don’t need it.

By shopping she dropped / lost one of her wallets. The student picked it up and thought:

“Shall I give it back or shall i give it to people who were really in need?”

The Student hesitated between 2 thoughts.
1st thought: "What should I do, I will give it to the poor who really really need it, because i know this rich businesswoman will use it to buy even more “unnecessary” things. God, you know how much money crazy she is, she doesn't even know how many purses/wallets she has. It is her money, so dharma is to give back, but maybe it’s a better dharma to give it to people in need. I don’t know what the best thing is to do but i will give it back”

2nd thought: What should I do, if i give her back, she will buy a gift for me and continue with shopping. Because she did this to a friend of mine last time when she lost one of here wallets. Shegives my friend (who give the wallet back) a gift and continue with shopping. God, now you blessed me with an opportunity to do something for others. I will not give it back to the rich businesswoman. I will give it to people who are really need”

Today Questions is: If you were this student what would you do?
- A Give it back to the businesswoman
- B 2nd give the money to peoples who
are really in need

- C 3rd I will …..
(If you would do something else then option A or B)