Questions for Youth

QUESTION 03 (From Guru DAju): 
Are there differences between SSSVM and other schools?  (For Studenst from SSSVM )

Name Youth (Age) Soul Blossom Youth Class Answer Note
01-Rohits SSSVM grade 9 We have spiritual classes.
02-Ankita SSSVM grade 9 We sing a lot of divine bhajans.
03- Dipika SSSVM grade 9 We got blessings and knowledge from divine Bhagwan Baba.
04-Amrit SSSVM grade 9
05-Samridha SSSVM grade 9 Our School provides quality education in free of cost.
06-Sampada SSSVM grade 9 We learn and focus on practical education along with theoretical education.
07-Roshani SSSVM grade 9 I our school we not only get education we get love, friendship and fun from our teachers and Swami
07-Roshani SSSVM grade 9 We are not only getting quality education but also spiritual and moral education.
08-Vinita SSSVM grade 9 We are very luckiest as we get darsan of Bhagwan
08-Vinita SSSVM grade 9 We get chance to chant mantras, bhajans, etc, which makes us and our mind fr
09-Sabina SSSVM grade 9 We get chance to learn moral, civil and spititual knowlege as well as education NEW
09-Sabina SSSVM grade 9 At SSSVM we get darshan of Bhagwan Baba NEW
09-Sabina SSSVM grade 9 We got chance to free education service NEW
09-Sabina SSSVM grade 9 Also we got chane to be a Sai Student NEW
09-Sabina SSSVM grade 9 We Chant Bajan and mantra to remember our God Baba NEW
10-Anil SSSVM grade 9 ..