02 - Why, why, waarom ?

Everyone has questions in their life that have not been answered.
Or Have other important KNOWLEDGE which you feel is good to share.
Come with your questions and knowledge , let we share and learn from each other and grow SPIRITUAL

Heart-work open questions 

Heart-work questions we have already done is below

Name Youth (Age) Soul Blossom Youth Class My question Note
01-Rohita SSSVM grade 9 Do you think a normal human can be a God and if so what should they do?
02-Sumu KATUNJE How can we encourage (inspire) others to be positive all the time and be role model?
02-Sumu KATUNJE Does God exist?
02-Ankita SSSVM grade 9 Are the evils and devils really afraid by Gods and by the divine mantras and if so why they are afraid?
07-Prabesh KATUNJE If their is really a demon in our mind what we can do to remove it.
03-Raj, 06-Pranjol KATUNJE 03-Raj: Why I am hanging on mobile for 24 hour? /// 06-Pranjol: Why I always play with my mobile?
03-Dipika SSSVM grade 9 Do Gods and evils really exist till now?
05-Samridha SSSVM grade 9 Why Bhagwan Baba says that students are my property?
07-Roshani, 05-Samridha SSSVM grade 9 Why Bhagwan Baba opened a free school for students?
05-Swayeksha KATUNJE Where is God? If there is God, where is demon? /// Where is Heaven and Hell?
06-Sampada SSSVM grade 9 When is war justifiable?
06-Sampada SSSVM grade 9 What happen to you after you die?
05-Samridha SSSVM grade 9 As we are taking SBC how we are chancing in day to day life than who don’t participate in SBC
04-Suvam KATUNJE My lazy freands dont want make Home worlk, and ask me to give them my homework, so they can copy it. Its not fear to give them. Thats why i lie to my lazy friends, and tell them i also dont make it yet?
08-Vinita SSSVM grade 9 How can we obtain true peace?
08-Vinita SSSVM grade 9 What is relation between spiritual subject and other subject?
08-Vinita SSSVM grade 9 Is there God really in the world?
04-Amrit SSSVM grade 9 How we can increase positivity and devotion on us and others?
04-Amrit SSSVM grade 9 How can we become different than others in this century?
09-Sabina SSSVM grade 9 Did God Die?
09-Sabina SSSVM grade 9 Why Gods and Evils come on eath?
97-Dr Triveni Soul Blossom Team Why I am not able to focus on study more?
97-Dr Triveni Soul Blossom Team Why I am getting angry more on these days?
97-Dr Triveni Soul Blossom Team I have some feelings, but I can’t express those feelings?
98-Naresh Uncle (Naresh Dhungel) Guru / teacher How to understand inner voice of the people?
98-Guru Daju (Sunil Marapin) Guru / teacher If you can use after this life come back as human or “stay with God in heaven” what you will use?
99-Guru Daju (Sunil Marapin) Guru / teacher Do you think it is easier for wealthy students (who have much more than they need) to be spiritually closer to God than for students who don’t have much more than the basic things
Answer from 03-Dipika SSSVM grade 9 To be spiritual close it doesn't matter whether we are rich students (who have everything) or poor (who dont have much) students. To be spiritual close we should have moral values and adopt it practically. We should keep jealousy, anger, greed and negative thought or behaviour away from us in our daily life. Any student either rich and poor thought and adopt it pratically in their daily life and this is the way how we can be spiritual close toward God.

Heart-work questions we have already done

Heart-work questions we have to do yet is above 

Name Youth (Age) Soul Blossom Youth Class My question Note
01-Rose, 06-Pranjol, 07-Prabesh KATUNJE 01-Rose: Why I got angry soon? /// 06-Pranjol: Why I am become always angry? /// 07-Prabesh: Why we become angry? done
01-Rose, 07-Prabesh KATUNJE 01-Rose:Why we are born? /// 07-Prabesh: Why I have taken birth in this world?
02-Sumu, 5-Swayeksha: KATUNJE 02-Sumu: Is it real that, after our death there is another life? /// 5-Swayeksha: When we die what happen?
02-Sumu KATUNJE How does dream came while sleeping? Why do we dream?
02-Ankita SSSVM grade 9 Are the evils and devils really afraid by Gods and by the divine mantras and if so why they are afraid?
07-Prabesh KATUNJE Why Science and math subject are difficult?