Received heart work in year 2023, the 4th SSSSB year

Here we will upload: own haert-work, with is not about the Stories and topics in the classes.

Received heart work in year 2022, the 3rd SSSSB year

2022-December: Heart-work from Smarika, grade 7

2022-November: Heart-work from Smarikshya, grade 4

2022-November: Heart-work from Smarikshya, grade 4

2022-November: Heart-work from Sadikshya, grade 7

2022-November: Heart-work from Sadikshya, grade 7

WE RECEIVED 2 hEART-WORK ABOUT: Is it hard for you to disappoint friends by not participating in their non-dharmic ideas/actions?

2022-November: Heart-work from Smarika, grade 7

2022-November: Heart-work from Smarika, grade 7

WE RECEIVED 3 hEART-WORK ABOUT: your happiness with yourself, family & friends


2022-November: Heart-work from Smarika, grade 7

2022-November: Heart-work from Smarika, grade 7

2022-November: Heart-work from Sidhdhima, grade 8

2022-November: Heart-work from Sidhdhima,grade 8

2022-November: Heart-work from Bandana, grade 8

"Yes, I am happy with my family and friends because they are the one who give me solution and support me whenever I am in trouble. If I take any wrong path that will harm me then they will warn me and show me the right path."

2022-November: Heart-work from Bandana, grade 8


Discrimination is an act of treating a person differently. Discrimination as we know it was there from old time. From old time people used to discriminate on the basis of caste, gender etc. Now a days discrimination on the basis of their caste has already been removed in many places. Only a few places are left but in many places discrimination on the basis of gender is not being removed. People used to give education to their sons but not daughters by thinking that only sons will study and become doctors and engineers and daughters will get married and go to work at another home. Some parents used to kill their daughter after giving birth or they used to kill the daughter before birth.

And sometimes they discriminate their son to another son or daughter to another daughter on the basis of their skin colour, height and weight. People used to say that boys do not cry, only girls cry. But this is all wrong. Parents should give education to both their sons and daughters as they are equal and both are gifted by God. Boys are nothing without girl power and girls are nothing without boys. They are alike. Boys have many abilities to do any activity but it is the contribution of girls as girls give birth to their children whether it is boy or girl.We can understand this from our Lord Shiva and Parvati (Ardheshwar). Lord Shiva and Adi-Shakti. Once Adi-Shakti left her life with her Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was like all his power was gone. Like if the girls will leave the boy as if they are Lord Shiva or Vishnu, they will be weak. And secondly, girls also should be treat well so that society can be good to make the country good.

2022-October: Heart-work from Ishwor Budhathoki, grade 6

2022-October: Heart-work from Sarita Budhathoki, grade 8

2022-October: Heart-work from Sarita Budhathoki, grade 8


2022-November: Heart-work from Sarita Budhathoki, grade 8

2022-November: Heart-work from Sarita Budhathoki, grade 8