SSSsb Family classes: from 04-171 to 04-180

New code (old code) Topic Topic Question(s) & Heart-work Creativity (from 04-177) program compiled by Already done
04-171 (04-121) Swami / Bhagvan Baba Let's share an experience with Swami. Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-January 21, Saturday SSSSB Family class
04-172 (07-51) Swami / Bhagvan Baba Let's share an experience with Swami. Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-January 22, Sunday SSSSB Family class
04-173 (04-122) Let’s improve our character 1) What behavior are we going to improve from now on? 2) Tell about a good manner from someone in today's ssssb class Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-January 28, Saturday SSSSB Family class
04-174 (07-52) Family and Friends vs. Dharma (Righteousness) Do we also participate if our family and friends do not follow dharma (Righteousness)? Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-January 29, Sunday SSSSB Family class
04-175 Yuyutsu Son of King Dhristarashtra and a half-brother to the rest of the Kuru brothers. 1) What is your view about Yuyutsu's decision to fight against his own family by choosing Dharma (Right Behavior).? 2) Have you also experienced something where you did not choose your own family or friends? Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-February 04, Saturday SSSSB Family class
04-176 About Swami’s 35th Birthday celebration today in Congo. How is/was Swami's 35th birthday celebration by Congo Group? Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-February 05, Sunday SSSSB Family class
04-177 Are we already putting the learned Ssssb values ​​into practice? Shall we share a situation where we put into practice the values ​​we learned from Swami's Ssssb classes? Orgami: Boat Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-February 11, Saturday SSSSB Family class
04-178 Why poeple try to convert others to their own religion/organization? Part 01 In every religion there are people who try to convince others to their own religion/organisation. 1) What do you think of this? 2) Have you experienced this or done it yourself? Orgami: Penguin Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-February 12, Sunday SSSSB Family class
04-179 Maha Shivratri Let's share our experience with Lord Shiva, Meditation, Mantra, Bhajan, Lingam and other type of Sadhana. For example: Lord Shiva, Trishul, Dhamru, Kamandalam, Serpent and so on. Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-February 18, Saturday SSSSB Family class
04-180 Why poeple try to convert others to their own religion/organization? Part 02 In every religion there are people who try to convince others to their own religion/organisation. 1) What do you think of this? 2) Have you experienced this or done it yourself? For example: Draw the symbols of the religion, find texts with the same meaning from the different Holy books, and so on Sunil Marapin Already done: 2023-February 19, Sunday SSSSB Family class

04-171: Bhagwan Baba / Swami / Shri Sanjay Sai Baba Sat. jan 21, 2023

07-172: Bhagwan Baba / Swami / Shri Sanjay Sai Baba sun jan 22, 2023

04-173: Let's improve our character  Saturday january 28, 2023

07-174: Family and friends vs. Dharma (Righteousness) sun jan 29, 2023

04-175, Yuyutsu (Son of King Dhristashtra), Saturday Febr. 04, 2023

04-176, About Swami’s 35th Birthday celebration today in Congo. Sunday Febr. 05, 2023

04-177, Are we already putting the learned Ssssb values ​​into practice? Saturday Febr. 11, 2023

04-178su, Topic: Why poeple try to convert others to their own religion / organization? Febr. 12, 2023

04-179sa, topic: maha shivratri, February 18, 2023

04-180su, topic: Why poeple try to convert others to their own religion / organization? Part2, February 19, 2023